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Groundbreaking Research on DUI Offenders

Child Safety Community Safety Home Safety Online Safety Senior Safety Sports and Active Living Traffic Safety Workplace Safety While small in number, chronic drinking drivers are responsible for most of the harm caused by drunk driving in this country.  New...

How Cannabis Use Affects Driving

Child Safety Community Safety Home Safety Online Safety Senior Safety Sports and Active Living Traffic Safety Workplace Safety Increase in cannabis use raises concerns that users may be taking the wheel. Research indicates the effects of cannabis on driving are more...

Social Host Responsibility

Social Host Responsibility We are brought together over the holiday season to celebrate with friends and family, through parties, dinners and more. Whether you are attending a social gathering or having a few people over, you or your guests may want to have a few...

Tips to Avoid Drowsy Driving

Tips to Avoid Drowsy Driving Drive only when rested. Don’t take the wheel if you feel fatigued, no matter when or where you are driving. Have some sleep or exercise first, avoid or delay the trip, or let a rested person drive. Keep your mind alert. Listen to...

CAUTION: Animals Crossing

CAUTION: Animals Crossing Youth Safety Home & Community Safety Senior Safety Sports and Active Living Vehicle & Road Safety Workplace Safety If you’ve driven on North American roads, you’ve seen roadkill – animals that have been killed by...

Driving Near Big Trucks

Child Safety Community Safety Home Safety Online Safety Senior Safety Sports and Active Living Traffic Safety Workplace Safety In fatal crashes involving a car and a truck, the car occupants are far more likely to be killed. Driving mistakes around trucks can have...

Safety at Railway Crossings

Child Safety Community Safety Home Safety Online Safety Senior Safety Sports and Active Living Traffic Safety Workplace Safety A train cannot stop as quickly as the family van. A string of railway cars may be stopped one moment, and moving the next. What seems to be...
Motorcycle Safety in the Spring

Motorcycle Safety in the Spring

Motorcycle Safety in the Spring Youth Safety Home & Community Safety Senior Safety Sports and Active Living Vehicle & Road Safety Workplace Safety Here are eight tips to get you to your destination safely. Take professional rider training.  There is no...