Who We Are
The Canada Safety Council is an independent, knowledge-based, charitable organization dedicated to the cause of safety. We provide national leadership in safety through information, education and collaboration. We are Canada’s voice and resource for safety.
As a not-for-profit, non-government organization, the Council draws upon the dedication and commitment of its directors, committee members and instructors. Contributions from corporate and individual members enable a small professional staff to maintain programming and respond to inquiries from the public, professionals, the media and others.
Our Mandate
The Canada Safety Council is a national, non-government, charitable organization dedicated to safety. Our mission is to lead in the national effort to reduce preventable deaths, injuries and economic loss in public and private places throughout Canada. We serve as a credible, reliable resource for safety information, education and awareness in all aspects of Canadian life – in traffic, at home, at work and at leisure.
Focusing on safety education as the key to long range reduction in avoidable deaths and injuries, the Council serves as a national resource for safety programs, working with and through partner organizations who deliver and/or fund these programs.
Our mandate is to serve as a credible third party acting on the sole basis of our commitment to safety for Canadians. We do not accept funding that is conditional on taking a stand contrary to the best interests of Canadians.
Margins from training programs and sponsorships contribute to overhead. Corporate and individual members fund the Council’s non-revenue-generating work through annual contributions. With this support, plus a dedicated, knowledgeable staff and cost-effective operations, we fulfill our safety mandate.
In the public policy arena, we suggest, support and promote safety legislation, with strong emphasis on gaining public understanding and acceptance of such laws and regulations.
The Council’s role is unique; there is no comparable Canadian organization.

- To minimize avoidable death, injury, and damage to property by devising, recognizing, encouraging and promoting methods and procedures leading to improved safety, protection and health among all persons in public and private places throughout Canada.
- To focus attention on the vital importance of safety.
- To arouse public interest and participation in safety measures.
- To publish and disseminate educational programs and information relating to safety.
- To promote and support the development of safer products and services.
- To provide incentives for leadership and to recognize achievement in safety.
- To assist in the drafting and enactment of safety legislation.

Charitable Business No. 11882 8565 RR0001
How we started
In 1968, the Canadian Highway Safety Council, the National Safety League of Canada and the Canadian Industrial Safety Association merged to form the Canada Safety Council. The purpose was to establish one national, not-for-profit organization solely dedicated to the safety of Canadians.