May 14, 2014 | Campaigns, National Road Safety Week, Vehicle & Road Safety
Put the Odds on Your Side All kinds of people use roads to get where they need to be, but a lot of them don’t have seatbelts, air bags or several hundreds of pounds of metal keeping them safe. This National Road Safety Week, May 14 – 19, the Canada Safety Council is...
May 1, 2014 | Campaigns, Home & Community Safety, National Summer Safety Week
2019 Campaign DatesNational Farm Safety Week (March 14-20) National Summer Safety Week (May 1-7) National Road Safety Week (May 14-20) National School Safety Week (October 17-23) National Community Safety and Crime Prevention Month (November) National Senior Safety...
Mar 14, 2014 | Campaigns, National Farm Safety Week, Workplace Safety
Farm safety education for life Farms across Canada vary in size, what they produce and how many people they employ. But like all other workplaces, there are inherent on-the-job safety hazards that need to be addressed in order to prevent injuries and save lives....
Dec 1, 2013 | Campaigns, National Safe Driving Week, Vehicle & Road Safety
2019 Campaign DatesNational Farm Safety Week (March 14-20) National Summer Safety Week (May 1-7) National Road Safety Week (May 14-20) National School Safety Week (October 17-23) National Community Safety and Crime Prevention Month (November) National Senior Safety...
Nov 24, 2013 | Campaigns, Home & Community Safety, National Home Fire Safety Week
2019 Campaign DatesNational Farm Safety Week (March 14-20) National Summer Safety Week (May 1-7) National Road Safety Week (May 14-20) National School Safety Week (October 17-23) National Community Safety and Crime Prevention Month (November) National Senior Safety...
Nov 6, 2013 | Campaigns, Home & Community Safety, National Senior Safety Week
Fight Fraud and Protect Your Finances Fraud is a crime. It has many forms, and can happen to anyone. From romance scams to free vacations ploys and too-good-to-be-true investment opportunities, the common thread is that fraud involves deception and stealing something...
Nov 1, 2013 | Campaigns, Home & Community Safety, National Community Safety and Crime Prevention Month
Keep your community safe – It’s your responsibility! The Canada Safety Council is committed to community safety and crime prevention. Firearms safety is an important aspect of that commitment. Every year, firearms-related incidents claim between 700 and 900 Canadian...
Nov 1, 2013 | Campaigns, Home & Community Safety, National Community Safety and Crime Prevention Month
Inheriting and/or disposing of firearms The RCMP’s Canadian Firearms Program (CFP) provides instructions if you inherit a firearm you do not wish to keep, or if you have a firearm you no longer want. In these circumstances, you have the following options: Sell or...
Oct 17, 2013 | Campaigns, National School Safety Week, Youth Safety
2019 Campaign DatesNational Farm Safety Week (March 14-20) National Summer Safety Week (May 1-7) National Road Safety Week (May 14-20) National School Safety Week (October 17-23) National Community Safety and Crime Prevention Month (November) National Senior Safety...