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Elmer the Safety Elephant® “Be Prepared!” Poster Contest

Feb 22, 2010 | News, Older, Youth Safety

If there is an emergency will you be prepared?

The Canada Safety Council and its partner Public Safety Canada are pleased to announce Elmer the Safety Elephant’s “Be Prepared!” Poster Contest for elementary school students in grades two to five all across Canada.

The contest theme is “If there is an emergency will you be prepared?” Students are asked to create a poster that involves how they would help prepare their family in case of an emergency. The student can draw a poster of their escape route from each room in their home, what they would put in their emergency kit, or what they would do with their family pet in case of an emergency. The poster must have a safe message and show how they would help their family prepare for an emergency.

“I encourage children across the country to take part in this important initiative,” said the Honourable Vic Toews, Minister of Public Safety. “I would also urge parents to involve their children in emergency preparedness planning to help them understand their role in family safety.”

Each grade will be awarded a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize. The teachers and schools of the 1st prize winners will also receive a prize. All participants will receive a safety booklet full of activities and information. Canada Safety Council must receive all entries by March 26, 2010. Winners will be announced during Emergency Preparedness Week (May 2-8, 2010).

Thunderstorms, hail, blizzards, ice storms, hurricanes, storm surges, tornadoes and heavy rain can develop quickly and threaten life and property. These severe storms occur in all regions of Canada and through all seasons. Taking the time to prepare in advance will help lessen the impact of an emergency. Get your children involved through Elmer’s poster contest, and create an emergency plan together.

Visit for more information on Elmer the Safety Elephant’s “Be Prepared!” Poster Contest.

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For more information, please contact:
Valerie Powell
Communications and Media Program Coordinator
613) 739-1535 (ext. 228)

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