Mar 14, 2009 | Campaigns, National Farm Safety Week, Workplace Safety
Farming is a way of life for many Canadian families. It is vital that a safety program is in place to protect you, your family, and your employees from injury or fatality. Each year, there are over 100 fatalities and at least 1,500 are hospitalized, from farm-related...
Mar 14, 2008 | Campaigns, National Farm Safety Week, Workplace Safety
Individuals who work in the farm industry have an increased risk of back injury, sprain and strain because of the demands imposed on them in their work environment. Back injuries can be avoided by improving physical condition, keeping a good posture and maintaining a...
Mar 14, 2007 | Campaigns, National Farm Safety Week, Workplace Safety
Farming is an integral part of Canadian life. However, farming remains one of the most hazardous occupations. Accidental death and injury bring devastating loss and suffering to rural families and their communities. Join the Canada Safety Council March 14-20, 2007 to...