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National Police Award for Traffic Safety and Lifetime Achievement Award

2018, News

The National Police Award for Traffic Safety was created in 1991 through the partnership of Transport Canada, the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and the Canada Safety Council. This award, along with Transport Canada ’s Road Safety Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizes excellence, dedication and initiative in the field of traffic safety by enforcement officers across Canada.

Canada has made impressive progress in traffic safety. Over the last 10 years, motor vehicle fatalities have decreased by nearly 20 per cent while the number of licensed drivers and vehicles has risen significantly. Nonetheless, almost 3,000 people die on Canadian roads annually.

Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2015 is “to have the safest roads in the world.” This national goal is supported by all jurisdictions and public and private sector stakeholders.

Enforcement officers deserve much of the credit for the progress that has been made in traffic safety. Their continuing efforts to develop and implement innovative educational, enforcement and community-based initiatives are critical to achieving the targets set for Canada’s Road Safety Strategy 2015. Yet their work and dedication are often not recognized by the general public or by other enforcement agencies.

One of the primary objectives of the National Police Award for Traffic Safety and Transport Canada’s Road Safety Lifetime Achievement Award is to recognize these outstanding efforts. Additionally, the award promotes information sharing and dialogue among Canadian police services and their communities on issues of road safety.

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