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Celebrate My Drive Event

Oct 17, 2014 | News, Older, Vehicle & Road Safety

Join the celebration!

On October 19th, the Canada Safety Council will be hosting a Celebrate My Drive® Event at the Jim Durrell Recreation Centre at 1265 Walkley Road, Ottawa, Ontario, from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
The event is a chance for the community to come together to support young drivers and encourage them to make safe driving a priority when getting behind the wheel. Helping teens understand their capabilities and limitations behind the wheel can reduce the number of collisions on our roads and help young motorists build good driving records.
Students, parents and teachers are welcome. There will be refreshments, games, giveaways and prizes. More information can be found on our Facebook event.

About Celebrate My Drive®

Celebrate My Drive® was created by State Farm® in 2012 to emphasize the benefits of safe driving choices as teens celebrate the freedom that comes with getting a driver’s licence.
Car crashes are the number one killer of teens, and a teen’s first year on the road is the most dangerous. Using research as a guide, State Farm is approaching teen driver safety, a winnable public health battle, by engaging teens while they learn to drive in a supportive and positive way.
With the start of National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 19 – 25, 2014) what better way to show your support by encouraging teens to drive safe.
For more information, please contact:
Carole Deavey
 Manager, National Projects
 Canada Safety Council
 613-739-1535, ext. 231

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